Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lou Dobbs misses the point?

I watched as Lou Dobbs verbally took apart a representative of NY Gov. Spitzer last night over his proposal to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens. And at first I thought this was some kind of faux news article, but watched as Mr. Dobbs became frustrated with the person and simply walked all over him. He probably deserved it as he was flailing around trying to make some vague point throughout the time alloted, but he never was able to get there as time ended.

I thought to myself, why in the hell would anyone even want to go there. So I looked up more information on this and discovered that it all came from the Dept. of Homeland Security's demands for a Real I.D. of everyone in the United States. Now that explains part of it. Chertoff has been chomping at the bit as every state in the union has pretty much pushed back at this act as some sort of invasion of privacy. And I can imagine it is. We all know that there was a terrible act that took place on 9/11/01, but many of our representatives in government use this as a reason to throw out the Constitution and Civil Rights and do what "they" think we need to protect us. Sometimes this is well intended, but in most it's overkill as in the case of Real ID.

Now seeing Chertoff in the picture I understood what started it all. But why did it end up with illegal aliens getting driver's licenses? And then it hit me. This is New York State. They likely have over a million illegal aliens in that state alone as some estimates have it. And what do you think those people are doing to survive? Hitchhiking to work everyday? Sleeping in alleyways next door to their place of work? Nope. They went out and got themselves a driver's license albeit illegally. And New York, knowing that these people are most likely already in their system, are trying to keep people that "are" working and driving to their legal one million jobs today can still do so tomorrow. All the while meeting the mandated requirements of the Real I.D. process Chertoff demands of the states. Seems simple enough until you note that what they are doing is labeling one million existing licenses as those held by illegal aliens. Oops!

As one person pointed out, no one will voluntarily request one of those new illegal alien licenses as that will put the spot light on them for INS. So it's a foregone conclusion that once you include the Immigration Laws into the equation this idea falls flat on its face. So Gov. Spitzer, while trying to gallantly protect the workers of the state (even the illegal aliens), has walked right into a problem of someone declaring themselves as an illegal alien to the INS. Not a very swift idea. But it does pose a very glaring problem. What can be done? Well, Mr. Dobbs just wanted to scream about it as an idiotic idea giving illegal aliens documents, but there is an issue here that needs to be addressed. The problem of what do you do about one million illegal aliens that are current holders of driver's licenses and are working at legal jobs throughout the state?

Do you void their licenses and start rounding them up a few thousand at a time over years? Sounds like a disaster of epic proportions ready to happen. I can't imagine what would happen if NY State suddenly had one million unemployed and undocumented people to care for all of the sudden. It would bankrupt their state in less than a month.

So then do you inform the populace that those that are not able to upgrade to the new license can still drive and go to work even as an illegal alien? But of course this puts them in the crosshairs of the INS. This is generally what Gov. Spitzer has done. Actually, it's quite a logical plan when you think about it this way. First, you are avoiding the massive strain on NY State's coffers as illegal aliens stop working and start draining resources of the state system to stay alive each day. And two, you can take your time processing the people through INS that are still on those older licenses as needed.

In this way, it sounds like Gov. Spitzer is on to something. That is unless you are strongly against anything supporting the illegal aliens of this country. That is one thing I find idiotic. The Tancredos of our country all want a black and white response to illegal immigration. "Off with their heads!" But as New York has shown us, there is a lot of gray out there. And we need a realistic approach to it.

Cnn Article:

Sorry Lou, I see his point.

Telling it like I see it,


Anonymous said...

Boy, you are about a decade behind on the immigration nightmare. No deportation will be necessary to repatriate or expel tens of millions of illegals. Enforcement of existing employment law along with massive fines (and prison terms in certain cases) for companies that hire undocumented employees will induce self-deportation for most of the illegals. Those without means can return courtesy of the US Federal Govt., and those who remain, paid in cash, under the table, would be deported by the ICE. They all must go. The 75,000,000 broke- American citizens, who, by the governments own accounting, are working poor or poor, unemployed or underemployed, will see wages rise immediately. The immigration and globalism Ponzi scheme will and must come to an end.

Wynter Dragon said...

I'm sorry, but I am in the present with this topic.

You have the issues that got us into this mess correct, but the rammifications of your execution of the deportation including your cute self-styled "self-deportation" will create years of havoc throughout our country. If we followed this method we would have massive levels of unemployment never before seen in this country since the Great Depression. You want to destroy the economy that much?

If we were talking about a few hundred thousand people throughout the country this might be possible. And if they were the only people of that particular race or color in the country it might be easy to point them out. But it's not as easy as you make it out. In fact, compare it against the late 1940's when we isolated those of Japanese decent in camps and you might start to realize the human rights problems you would be encouraging. We cannot simply catagorize a group of people as illegal and throw them out without equally alienating the rights of legal aliens and those of hispanic decent in the process. It's physically impossible to execute this without demoralizing a large section of our country and destroying what morality remains of this country.

We cannot and will not execute one law and sacrifice many other laws in the process. America just doesn't work that way. Find a better way.

Telling it like I see it,

Anonymous said...

No one cares whether tens of millions are sent home. They have already wrecked the housing sector in collusion with corporate lenders who made mortgage lending a Ponzi scheme, and no matter what their contribution to the economy is overall, it is a net loss for all Americans and a drag on everyone-everyone but the elite who make massive profits on unregulated slave labor. That is the economy would collapse is a hallucination! The threats of agricultural collapse are pure hysteria. The 2.5 million legal immigrants allowed in alone would far outstrip demand for farm work, and as the University of California reports, only 5 cents of every head of lettuce is for wages, which averages $5 an hour at the moment. If quadupled to $20, the demand for ag jobs would soar and the market would only bear a 15 cent increase without a problem. Growers, of course, living on several decades of illegal labor, have very small profit margins and many would be wiped out, to no one's conternation but their own. They didn't belong in the market in the first place, and the growers who began this practice of hiring illegals know that the law of diminishing returns necessitates that cheap labor becomes essential to turn a profit when every other grower uses that labor. No tears for them. Addtionally, mass immigration costs us far more in social costs than not having immigrants. Public education for kids where I live is $7000 a year. A little arithmetic will show that no matter how much they produce, they cannot pay their share. As far as Mexico is concerned, the return of all those people has the Mexican plutocrats shaking in their boots. Real change will come to that massively corrupt country when the tide comes in. It's inevitabe.

Wynter Dragon said...

Eric, I wasn't citing economic costs if they were taken out of the workforce. I was stating that pulling the plug on that many people would cause a massive strain on our states' health and welfare system. These people, if not working, would need services and support from the states to stay alive. You like to cite numbers like they are easy facts to make it all seem an easy feat to move this many people out of the country. But this level of government sponsored mass migration will have its tolls in our pocket books. And it won't happen overnight like Tancredo dreams it could be. You are living in a dream world if you think we can. Many have tried and you know what? None have succeeded on either side of the aisle.

It's not a matter which is owned by the Democrats or the Republicans. It's a problem, I agree wholeheartedly, but it's going to have to be done in a safe and legal manner over time. First off, securing our borders would help stem the tide. And that appears to be the "cause celebre" with the politicos. Facing the problem within our borders won't be so easy.

It will likely come down to a mixed bag approach where some people will be allowed to stay and become citizens despite the rhetoric of amnesty being tossed around. And many of the other people will be deported over years. But let's stick with a step by step approach that will not drastically impact so many human lives that we end up scrambling to take care of these people. It's not like we have thousands of terrorists inside the borders like Bush wants us to believe.

Telling it like I see it,